Room Info


Let's face it. The Close Vote Queue on Stack Overflow is huge. It's a dauntingly large number. At one point, it was over 100k. It's a much tamer amount now, but it can feel like your contributions don't amount to anything. Hence the start of the initiative to start a Close Vote room back in 2013.

The room originated as a meeting place once a week to handle your 40 allotted review tasks. The feeling to make a dent with a couple of fellow users worked as an incentive. The motivation to make a difference is still there.

We feel your pain. We want to help. Together, we can make a dent.

Original FAQ on meta.SO (Mentioned here for attribution purposes)


If you have reached a milestone you should celebrate it. So here we will list moderation milestones and milestones of the SOCVR chat room.

Room Owner Nominations

Our chat room periodically looks for new Room Owners.

We use an "application/interview" style for new Room Owners. The workflow works like this:

  1. The RO team announces the expansion of the RO team
  2. Chat members write up a Github Gist of their nomination. This must be written by the person running for the position.
  3. Anyone is free to write comments on the nominations to provide feedback and ask questions.
  4. When nominations close (usually a week later) the RO team will evaluate the nominations and choose a winner.

This page contains links to the different nominations to join the Room Owner team on SOCVR. Nominations are ordered by their nomination time, oldest first.

Humorous example nomination.

April 2019

August 2018

November 2017

October 2016

March 2016

January 2016

December 2015